Turn your dreaming of studying abroad into reality
Why choose SI-Global
Free Counseling
99.95% Success rate
1.3 Million students assisted globally
17+ Years of experience
Our Partnered Universities
SI-Global: Free Counselling & Application Processing
Why Students Choose Us
Why study in New Zealand?
Why Study Abroad?
Your roadmap with SI-Global
Free Consultation
Shortlist Universities
Application Review
SOP and LOR Review
Documents Review
Scholarship Advice
Handpick Offer
Student Visa Support
Get into the program of your choice
Kick-off your studies abroad with a foundation course that leads into your undergraduate/postgraduate studies. This is the perfect starting point for international students who don’t meet the requirements of universities and colleges.
Apply to study a globally recognized degree abroad. Gain access to world-class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities for your undergraduate degree.
Strengthen your career with a postgraduate degree from world-class universities in Australia, Canada, Dubai, Ireland, New Zealand, and the UK.
Choose an acclaimed PhD study from a top university and complete your doctorate abroad.
What students have to say about SI-Global
Meet your counselor today
Discover your ideal universities and colleges with guidance from our certified counselors. Take the first step towards your academic journey